Lovely TV: Game of Thrones

I know, at this rate I’ll be posting every 4 months. When you’re editing and writing parenting content all day and reading tons of it for your job, it’s hard to feel inspired to write even more. But, onwards.

Can someone who’s a “Game of Thrones” fan explain the appeal of it to me? I’m attempting, rather poorly, to catch up to my husband and am just entering Season 2. I read the first book and the first season seemed pretty much what I remember reading many many moons ago. But it all just seems like the same thing over and over again.

Let me sum it up for you: Boobs, naked prostitute, family fights, sad people in the desert, evil incestuous queen, sad people in the snow, more naked ladies (where are the naked MEN, people?!), gross tween king whose mom clearly did not practice attachment parenting, awkward-looking sexual encounters,, candles, wall, weird creepy dragons, beheadings. Oh, there’s a wolf in there somewhere too. Did I capture it?

So tell me, is it worth continuing or should I just cut my losses?

Maybe this sums it up better than I can:

Happy Monday!