Lovely Food: Just Mayo


Have you heard of Just Mayo yet? Every time I’d wander through Whole Foods, my eye would be drawn to these very affordably priced (which is like a unicorn sighting at that store!) condiments with the cute packaging (yes, I’m a total sucker for good packaging.)

Lucky for me, we were fortunate enough to be gifted a set of Just Mayo’s four amazing flavors – the plain Just Mayo, Garlic, Sriracha and Chipotle. Their website describes it as “outrageously delicious, better for your body, for your wallet, and for the planet,” and I can now personally vouch for the “outrageously delicious” claim. And while vegan mayo may have you scratching your heads, trust me, you won’t be missing the eggs one bit.

In the months since, these little squeeze bottles have gotten TONS of use – and I mean tons because who doesn’t like mayo?! And knowing exactly what’s inside of these dairy-free mayos is just icing on the cake. Here’s what the ingredient its on the back says: non-GMO expeller-pressed canola oil, filtered water, lemon juice and white vinegar.

Here are just a few of the ways we use our Just Mayos:

* We love using both the Garlic and Chipotle Just Mayo on burgers in lieu of traditional mayo or ketchup.

* The Sriracha Just Mayo is an amazing dip for sweet potato fries or any other type of baked vegetable.

* Garlic Just Mayo is a perfect pairing for an ooey gooey Grilled Cheese – just try it once, you’ll never go back!

* The Chipotle version also makes for a creamy, delicious dip for raw veggies.

* Try the Sriracha one in an egg salad – it adds a whole new flavor profile that takes it over the top! Just thinking about this makes me hungry again.

* All of them, but especially the Sriracha one (can you tell I love spice?), make a perfect dipping sauce for asparagus fries. Both kids and adults love them!

* Spread some on top of salmon before you broil it for a quick, moist and flavorful weeknight dinner. Saute some veggies and serve with your grain of choice.

And in case you didn’t know, the same creators of Just Mayo have a line of all-natural preservative-free cookie dough called – you guessed it – Just Cookie Dough. You’ll be tempted to just eat it straight out of the container, but once baked it’s the perfect chocolate chip cookie – I’m hoping they’re planning on releasing more flavors soon!

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